The High Court in Exxobrite Sdn Bhd v Value Plus Industries Sdn Bhd (grounds of judgment dated 29 July 2022) dealt with the moratorium effect of a judicial management order and the insolvency repercussions arising from the judicial management process.

Summary of the Decision and Significance
Grounds by: Nadzarin bin Wok Nordin J

The company, Value Plus, was placed into judicial management. As part of the judicial management process, the judicial manager had carried out the proof of debt exercise and drew up the judicial manager’s Statement of Proposal. The creditor, Exxobrite, had its debt admitted in the judicial management process.

While the judicial management order was still subsisting, Exxobrite issued a winding up statutory demand for the sum of approximately RM73,000.00.

Subsequently, Exxobrite filed a winding up petition based on both section 466(1)(a) and 466(1)(c) of the Companies Act 2016 (CA 2016). Section 466(1)(a) is

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If you are the owner of an HOA, there are many factors to consider when choosing a legal representative. These factors include the individual’s cost, experience, and trustworthiness. You should also seek advice from an attorney with experience in the field. After all, the attorneys who work for management companies are generally savvy regarding legal advice. This article will explore these factors and more.

Trustworthiness of an HOA attorney

There are a few essential things to look for in an HOA attorney Prince William County, VA. First, an attorney should be experienced and skilled in dealing with HOA issues, such as enforcing CC&Rs and collecting fees. HOA attorneys who specialize in this area of law have a greater amount of experience. The attorney’s experience and expertise should be reflected in their work. Ask other HOA boards for recommendations if you’re unsure about the attorney’s background.

The first thing to …

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Tax Law in Brazil

As individuals who are employed or operating their own business, you have the responsibility of settling your monthly bills and I assume that you know when the due dates are because you usually receive notices. This could either be through the postal mail, e-mail, or SMS, and these are sent to remind us that we should pay them soon that’s why we have to check our inbox every day to make sure that we won’t miss any of these. As a part of our responsibilities, we also pay individual tax returns, though some of us receive paychecks where these are already deducted but still need to accomplish every year.

I supposed you know that paying taxes is very important to individuals and entrepreneurs as well because this is an obligation that we must settle before it is due so that we can avoid paying late fees or penalties. We have …

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