Businesses managing essential employees during COVID-19 are faced with a lot of risk exposure. It’s difficult to know when an employee becomes ill whether to immediately assume COVID-19 is the cause. Thus far, states and employers have been grappling with how to classify claims, so an employee is covered for their medical needs, while businesses are not buried by the steeply rising costs of premiums. There are some important things to consider about businesses having workers’ compensation coverage at this time.

Ongoing Legislative Action

By all measures, it appears COVID-19 fallout will test our employment systems for some time. Coverage through workers compensation Maitland FL is a valuable tool for protecting employers whose employees are working in unprecedented conditions. However, there is much to be decided on how claim structures will work going forward. Initially, some states relaxed the standards for employees claiming benefits. This may become increasingly untenable if …

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Large businesses, like chain restaurants, often sell franchises. These can make for great investments. However, that doesn’t mean that they’re for everyone. Before investing in a franchise, it’s best that you know as much about the business and how a franchise works as possible. Below are a couple of the most vital things you should do before even considering making such a large investment. 

Do Your Research

Before investing in any franchise business, it’s best to do your research. What chain business do you want to invest in? Do you have the funds needed to invest in your favorite franchise? Will you be able to keep up with royalty costs? Keep all of these questions and more in mind as you do your research. 

The royalty question is one of the most important to consider. Unlike owning your own business, buying a franchise means paying royalties (a percentage of …

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115th Congress passed more laws than before, but of similar ...

As a country, we toss around the words right, center, and left to describe where we fall on the political spectrum. But what exactly does it mean to have a moderate political philosophy? You could ask a dozen people who identify as a moderate and get a dozen answers, but when you dig a little deeper, you will find they all fall under three common themes.


A moderate political philosophy understands that throughout history, great ideas have come from both sides of the aisle. Moderates commit to analyzing views from either party in order to come up with the best solution for our country as a whole.  


Recently, the word compromise has become synonymous with “weak.” But moderates understand the truth behind the saying by the poet John Lydgate, “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some …

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