Lawmakers are currently trying to pass new laws that extend the statute of limitations or even try to get rid of it all together, especially for sexual abuse claims. What is the current law regarding the statute of limitations for sexual abuse claims?

Statute of limitations is defined by as a restricted amount of time a victim has to come forward with a sexual abuse claim. The time length varies by state, however, in Pennsylvania, there are civil and criminal differences when it comes to statute of limitations. Keep in mind, the timing usually starts at the time of the offense.

Civil Lawsuits in Philadelphia

A civil lawsuit sexual abuse claim can be filed against the responsible party like a person, church or school. Under this claim, you can hold the responsible party accountable for their actions and receive compensation for economic damages like any medical bills and non-economic …

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If you are charged with a crime, you probably know having a criminal defense attorney is important. However, not all attorneys are created equal, which means you must find the right one for your case and situation.

Taking time to find the right attorney to help with your federal criminal defense Los Angeles CA will pay off in the long run. Some tips to help with this can be found below.  


When facing a criminal charge, time is an important factor. It’s important to find an attorney who will immediately start working on your case.

Any lawyer you contact about your case should respond quickly. Their legal team should also be able to arrange a meeting with you in a day. If they quickly answer your email or phone call, they will likely be a good choice for representation, as well.


While you can use the …

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If you recently purchased a home, you are likely excited and happy about owning someplace that is all yours. While this is a wonderful occasion, it’s important to keep a few things in mind, especially if you are a first-time homeowner. These suggestions can help you ensure you are prepared for the unexpected. 

1. Make Sure You Have Insurance

If you previously rented, you likely had renter’s insurance. Homeowner’s insurance operates in a similar manner, but it can be even more important to have. Most mortgages require you to carry homeowner’s insurance, to begin with, and it can provide other basic protections, like damage to the inside or outside of your home, or theft or damage to your possessions. Having this on hand can save you money in the long run. 

2. Determine What Rules You Need To Follow

Depending on where you live, there might be certain rules you …

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