It happens more than you know – divorcing couples squabbling over everything in their marriage. It could be the need to win the battle, maybe it is residual feelings of anger, or perhaps it is true hatred, but some of the failing marriages can end in an explosion of problems that require protection of one of the parties from the other. If you are experiencing a marriage with hostility that makes you feel unsafe, here are some things you can do to protect yourself and your children.

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Take Action

Call the police if you find yourself in a hostile environment so that the problem is documented. If you don’t have a police report as proof of the problem, it can be a difficult situation for the courts as they try to decide between a ‘he said, she said’ situation. Also, if the police find you are in a position that …

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Certain professions have a higher risk of becoming injured at work than others. However, all jobs carry some risk for injury including repetitive task injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. After filing a workers’ compensation claim, you have been denied care. What do you do now?


The first thing you may want to do is contact a Portland workers compensation attorney. They can provide you with professional legal help to appeal your case. They can also tell you why the claim was denied in the first place. Dealing with the insurance company or your employer over the case can be stressful and prevent you from healing the way you need to. A judge through the state workers’ compensation board or the labor department hears the appeals case and makes a decision. Often denials have greater success rate during the appeals process when an attorney is used.


Whether …

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There are many types of life insurance policies. These policies may be whole life, term life, or universal. In this article, we’ll examine some of the differences between them and what they mean to you. Once you know what these policies cover, you can shop for the right one. Here are the most common types. Each approach has its benefits and drawbacks.  You can learn more through a life insurance resource center.

Guaranteed Issue of Life Insurance

Whether you need life insurance for debt consolidation or charitable giving, guaranteed issue life insurance is a great solution. The death benefit of a guaranteed issue policy helps the surviving family members pay funeral expenses. This can include the purchase of a plot, cremation or caskets, and other final preparations. By paying the death benefit, your beneficiaries can avoid financial strain if you die unexpectedly. In addition, a guaranteed issue policy never changes …

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