It’s not uncommon to avoid talking about death, especially if
you have small children. The idea of not being here to provide for your family
can feel overwhelming, which is why many people avoid the topic altogether.
Unfortunately, when that happens, there are missed opportunities that end up
being costly when a person dies. At some point, we all have to face the fact
that nobody lives forever. There are many reasons why you should use an estate
planning attorney – let’s review some of those reasons.
One of the benefits of having an estate plan is that you can avoid issues with
your property when you’re no longer here. When you have an estate plan,
handling your affairs is much easier. For starters, your family won’t have to
wait to receive the money needed to pay for expenses, such as medical bills and
funeral costs. They will also have the money needed to pay for other expenses
that arise as a result of everyday life. Without an estate plan, there’s a
chance that they will have to wait for up to nine months after you die to
receive any money, which can create a financial hardship. This alone is a
reason to contact an estate planning attorney chambersburg
Regardless of your age when you die, it can be difficult for family members to
make medical decisions. It’s
partially difficult because they are already emotional and probably having a
hard time dealing with the difficulty of an illness. Having an estate plan that
spells out end of life decisions can be like a gift to your family members. You
are the best person to make decisions about your life. It allows you to think
through situations before they occur, which means you can make decisions
thoughtfully and intentionally.
Depending on your family dynamics, there’s a chance that having an estate plan
will help to keep your child out of child protective services. This would
obviously mean that neither spouse is available, which is something that
happens all of the time, especially if there is an incident that involves both
parents. An estate planning attorney can help you understand the dynamics
surrounding guardianship and what you should know. This is definitely a
decision that should be made in advance.
There are times when it’s not the end of a person’s life, but they are
incapacitated, which means they need someone to handle issues surrounding
healthcare, and perhaps pay bills. This designation should be made in advance
to ensure you put important tasks in the right hands. The goal is to make sure
your wishes are fulfilled. A power of attorney (POA) will designate the
person that you want to handle your finances and any other personal matters.
The bottom line is that you can ensure things run smoothly for your family if
you are unable to manage your own affairs. An estate planning attorney can walk
you through all of the steps involved.