How To File For a Restraining Order

Feeling safe when you go out of your home is important to everyone. However, there are times when someone threatens you. If you believe that you are in danger, you can file with the court to keep them away from you. Here are the steps to get a no contact order.

Talk To a Lawyer

Make an appointment with an attorney to discuss your options and get their advice. You will want to look for one who advocates for those in an abusive or stalking situation. They can direct you through the procedure and be there to assist you through the filing and the court date. If you have a limited budget, reach out to your local police station or courthouse for the names of lawyers who help those with low incomes.

File For a Temporary Order

With your attorney’s support, visit the courthouse to apply for a temporary no contact order. You will need to name the person threatening you, details of the occurrences, and things you may share like assets or children. Your lawyer can help you answer these questions and explain how detailed you will need to be. When you are finished, you will turn the paperwork into the courthouse. Depending what state you live in will determine when the order will start.

Attend the Court Date

To get the permanent order, a hearing will be scheduled to determine whether it is warranted. At this event, the person you are filing about can be there to defend themselves. You will need to represent yourself or have your attorney do so. Having them there can be a comfort as well as take the burden off you to present the evidence. They should, however, be sure you have everything you need before you go including any records or documentation that indicates the threat that was made. 

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