No one wants to sit around in jail if there are options to get released. It can cost you a job or relationship when you have to spend weeks waiting for your case to be heard in court. Below is the advice you need explaining how to bail someone out of jail Philadelphia PA residents follow with success.

Wait for the Bond Hearing

Your friend will want to get out of jail as soon as possible, but the case will have to go in front of the judge for a bond amount to be set first. It typically takes a few hours for this to happen. It could take longer if your friend is incarcerated at the weekend. Judges only review cases Monday through Friday during normal court hours.

Find Out What Type of Bond is Needed

Most cases are separated between misdemeanor and felony counts. Misdemeanors are considered less …

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Every now and then a financial emergency arrives in our life. Maybe you may need a few extra dollars to renew your car’s registration. However, when you need a few extra dollars and you don’t have any savings or credit cards, then you may be wondering what exactly can you do? The following are two good ideas that don’t involve hitting up your family and friends for a loan.

Get a payday loan

If you have a steady job, then you can get a payday loan. These loans do not require a credit check because your credit is irrelevant. It is your job that makes you a good risk to pay back the loan. The lender will want to verify your income and the place where you work. Often, this means you need to supply a few pay stubs from your recent paychecks. There are a few other minor qualifications …

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