Feeling safe when you go out of your home is important to everyone. However, there are times when someone threatens you. If you believe that you are in danger, you can file with the court to keep them away from you. Here are the steps to get a no contact order.

Talk To a Lawyer

Make an appointment with an attorney to discuss your options and get their advice. You will want to look for one who advocates for those in an abusive or stalking situation. They can direct you through the procedure and be there to assist you through the filing and the court date. If you have a limited budget, reach out to your local police station or courthouse for the names of lawyers who help those with low incomes.

File For a Temporary Order

With your attorney’s support, visit the courthouse to apply for a temporary no …

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We usher in 2023 by reviewing the largest law firms in Malaysia in 2022. This compares with the previous editions (2021, 2020, 2019, and 2018).

We refer to the number of lawyers based on the Malaysian Bar legal directory as at to date.

The Year 2022 in Review

The 3 Largest Malaysian Law Firms

As a repeat of last year’s listings, the three largest law firms in Malaysia continue to be Zaid Ibrahim & CoSkrine, and Shearn Delamore & Co.

Zaid Ibrahim & Co maintains its top ranking with the largest number of lawyers: 123 lawyers in total for the year 2022. However, this is a drop from last year’s total of 155 lawyers. The drop in its lawyers could have been due to the development below on the ZICO Law network joining the KPMG organisation.

Nonetheless, Zaid Ibrahim & Co,

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