If you’re interested in owning and operating a business in the restaurant, bar or nightclub scene, you’ll likely need to get a liquor license. When dealing in an industry that sells alcohol to consumers, you can benefit from a liquor law consultant Texas to help you navigate the process of applying for a liquor license and making sure you understand all the liquor laws in the state. The last thing you want is to get into trouble because you were selling alcohol incorrectly. Here are some of the main things you’ll need to do when applying for a liquor license.

Figure out State Alcohol Laws

Whether you live in Texas or any other state, you’ll need to make sure you seek out and understand all of the state’s rules in regards to the sale, consumption and distribution of alcohol. Every state is different, so it’s not a one-size-fits-all set of laws. Each state has its own Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) agency, and that is the best source to go to in order to find out the rules you need to follow. On top of that, you’ll also need to consider if the specific town or county you are opening your operation in also has any additional requirements you need to follow

Liquor Law Regulations

Some of the things you’ll usually see liquor laws regulate include the following:

  • Who you can sell alcohol to
  • The types of alcohol that you can sell
  • The containers that alcohol can be served in
  • The time of day when alcohol can be sold
  • How much the alcohol costs the consumer
  • The fees associated with selling liquor and the quotas attached
  • Whether or not you can attribute discounts to alcohol sales
  • The number of drinks a customer can have
  • Whether or not insurance companies will cover alcohol-related claims

In order to make sure you’re following all of the rules, make sure to consult a legal liquor expert!

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