How To Tell if a Law Firm Is Legit

If you’ve ever seen one of those late-night attorney ads that come on television, you’ve probably wondered if you can actually trust the lawyers in them. There are dozens of law firms Columbia MD, but deciphering which ones are legit and worth your time is probably easier than you realize. Take these step to ensure you hire a true professional.

Check The State Bar Profile

Licensed lawyers in Maryland must be listed on the directory of the state’s bar association. If you are interested in an attorney but can’t find him or her on the association’s website, there is likely a legitimacy issue. You can search the directory by name or license number and will be provided with basic contact information and whether the lawyer has ever been the subject of ethical issues.

Look for a Professional Website

These days, most established lawyers have their own websites. If one you’re interested in doesn’t, he or she may not be legit. When navigating to a website, look for a well-planned design with plenty of written content. The page should include accolades as well as testimonials from previous clients.

Search His or Her Name

A simple Google search can go a long way when it comes to determining if an attorney’s claims are legit or not. Google will bring up his or her license information, website, directories, and much more. You should be able to tell if he or she has come under disciplinary action as well is whether there are good reviews on websites such as Google Reviews, Facebook, and even Yelp!

Check Out Third-Party Ratings

Finally, check out third-party rating groups. Some websites provide ratings services and a choosy selection process that recognizes lawyers who go above and beyond for their clients.

Never assume an attorney is legitimate without verifying his or her license and ensuring current and former clients are happy with the service. After all, situations that require an attorney are often already emotionally trying, so you don’t want to put even more effort into working with an unscrupulous lawyer. 

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